Author Archives: kfriendly
"NPR: Worry about Deflation not Inflation" October 16, 2014
"Why public investment really is a free lunch" October 7, 2014
"Debt Management and Zero Lower Bound" October 1, 2014
"Need comprehensive tax reform" September 26, 2014
"Push for Domestic Financing for Health" September 23, 2014
"US needs a comprehensive growth strategy" September 21, 2014
"Scottish independence “grave mistake”" September 12, 2014
"Future of US Energy & Climate Security" September 9, 2014
"Bold reform is the only answer to secular stagnation" September 8, 2014
"NYTimes: Europe is at risk of secular stagnation" August 30, 2014
"Secular Stagnation: facts, causes and cures" August 28, 2014
"Bibliophiles" August 25, 2014
"Ending presidents’ second-term curse" August 10, 2014
"Secular Stagnation Q&A in The New Republic" July 29, 2014
"The Economic Challenge of the Future: Jobs" On the 125th Anniversary of the Wall Street Journal, Summers wrote an essay on the economic challenge of the future: Jobs. , July 7, 2014
"Put American foreign policy back on the pitch" July 6, 2014
"Aspen Ideas Festival" Professor Summers participated in two sessions during the Aspen Ideas Festival, in which he held a discussion titled, "What does the future hold for our economy." , July 2, 2014
"CNBC: Economy Could Accelerate" June 30, 2014
"U.S. Economic Prospects" National Association of Business Economics, June 23, 2014
"Inclusive Capitalism" “Which type of capitalism works best to build economic and social value?”, May 27, 2014