Speeches Archive

October 2nd, 2012


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Economic Possibilities for Our Children, 2013 Martin Feldstein Lecture, NBER Reporter, December 2013

In remarks at the 5th annual Martin Feldstein Lecture at the NBER Summer Institute on July 24, 2013, Summers said, “At a moment of substantial cyclical distress, at a moment of financial preoccupation, I would like to look to the broader technological forces that are operating and that will shape the structure of our economy and how people live over the long term.”




Selected archived speeches by Lawrence H. Summers:

Selected Congressional Testimony by Lawrence H. Summers:

  • Testimony to Senate Budget Committee, June 4, 2013 (as prepared)
  • Testimony to House Budget Committee, September 9, 2008 (as prepared).
  • Testimony to the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress regarding the proposed Fiscal Stimulus Package, January 16, 2008.
  • Testimony delivered at the Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee, Washington, D.C., March 8, 2007 (as prepared).
  • Testimony delivered at the Hearing of the Joint Economic Committee, Washington, D.C., January 31, 2007 (as prepared).

Speeches by Mr. Summers during his time as the Director of the National Economic Council:



For speeches by Mr. Summers during his time as President of Harvard University.